Google Account Security Checkup

Do you use Gmail? YouTube? Or other Google services? A Google account provides you with access to not only email, but the entire Google ecosystem and allows the big G to track things like your browsing activity, search history and what you watch on YouTube.

I’ve had rarely used Gmail and YouTube accounts for years. Whether you use these services daily or only occasionally, it’s a good idea to check in on the security of your account. After all, it’s a doorway to your personal life and all of the sensitive information that comes with the territory.

Fortunately, Google makes it pretty easy to check the security basics on your account including options to turn on 2 factor authentication. Point your browser to your Google account and review your security settings in just a few short clicks. (If you don’t know how to get here, start in Gmail and look for Account in the settings menu in your browser window or app.)

The Privacy Checkup and Security Checkup are featured prominently on the main Account screen. Click Get Started under “We keep your account protected”
If Google has detected areas for improvement, you’ll see “Security issues found” with the option to Secure account
You’ll see options to review 3rd party access, devices, security events, and status of 2-Step verification (make sure that’s turned ON).
Let’s look at the devices that can access my Google account. My iPhone 6s is long gone so I’ll remove that one.
3rd-party access is a list of the apps that are authorized to use your Google account. If it looks suspicious or hasn’t been used in years, remove it.
If you’re feeling adventurous, you can move on to the Privacy Checkup where you can understand and control how Google is tracking your browsing activity and search history.

So there you have it. In just a few short clicks you can make your Google account a more secure. Kudos to Google for making security simple and kudos to YOU for making security and privacy a priority in your digital life.

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